As has been previously noted, I’m fairly open about my crossdressing. I don’t shy away from it at all any more – I post pictures to my personal Facebook account, I talk about it with friends, etc. But as much as I’ve grown confident in my ability to be authentic about who I am, it’s not done without worry.
A few days ago, a friend of mine who I’ve known from college (oh, so many years ago!) posted something that made clear their feelings toward the LGBT community: A petition to remove any reference to “sexual orientation or gender reassignment” (I refuse to link directly to it, but if you must see, copy&paste this into your nearest browser –
My friend and I had always gotten along. They were certainly a bright spot during college. Surely they’ve seen my photos: they’re hard to miss – my profile photo is of me dressed up. Do they think I am a danger to their children? That my crossdressing is somehow corrosive to society, and anathema to their belief system?
And it made me wonder: How many other people do I know that think this way? Where, on the surface we can have a perfectly pleasant relationship, but down deep beneath the veneer of friendship there exists what can only be a revulsion towards an intrinsic part of who I am. A complete rejection of my existence. As if they’re thinking “I love you and everything and want you to be happy, but if you could just stop breathing, that would make me marginally more comfortable.”
It’s like a curious case of double-think.
Is this one of those cases of “Love the sinner, hate the sin”? Am I a sinner? Is my sin making questionable fashion choices? Or is this a case of “Won’t someone think of the children!”? Surely thinking of the children would involve them learning about people who they’ll eventually have to deal with as a part of living in a society. I’m not planning on denying my child the opportunity to learn that people have lives that are different to his. I’m not going to hide the fact that religious people exist. It does make me sad to think that I’ll have to explain to him that there are people out there who hate his father simply for how he sometimes dresses though.
Besides which, I’m an atheist, so I don’t play by the same rules. It’s as if I’m playing Scrabble over here, and they’re playing Monopoly – which is all well and good, but they’re telling new Monopoly players that Scrabble doesn’t exist, while at the same time trying to charge me rent for landing on Mayfair (Or Boardwalk, if you’re so inclined. #NoJudgement). Bitches, I’m getting triple word scores over here!
In “Life, The Universe, And Everything” by Douglas Adams, we are told the story of the planet of Krikkit – a peaceful planet who lived happily in their secluded world, believing that their planet alone existed in the inky blackness of space. Upon discovering, after a wayward spaceship crashed on their planet, that a vast universe was concealed from them behind the curtain of a dust cloud, the Krikkiters decided it would be in their best interest that the rest of the universe be destroyed. I don’t think it’s an over-enthusiastic jump in logic to believe that Douglas Adams is trying to warn us that insularity breeds hatred of difference. School is where you go to learn things – potentially things about life, the universe, and everything. “Your life, Your small corner of the universe, and a limited number of things” sounds like a shitty book. Denying your children the opportunity to learn, if you’ll allow me to paraphrase Douglas Adams once more, is widely considered a bad move.
I suppose this doesn’t really change anything. I won’t stop dressing up. I won’t be dissuaded from living my life as before. I don’t care that people hate that I do this – they can judge me and despise me all they like, so long as they treat me with respect, or at least with the appearance of respect. I don’t think there’s much likelihood of changing the minds of those who’ve already decided against me. It just makes me think less of them – but I guess that’s fitting, given that they must have been thinking less of me this entire time.
I am sorry that someone you once loved and considered a friend has become so hateful to LGBTQ people, and likely views you as a member of a class of people who are harmful to public morality, or something.
Time does strange things to people. People have experiences, and change, and they don’t always change in ways that suit us. There are a number of people I am no longer friends with, having split with them over politics. There are issues where I can “agree to disagree” with someone. However, in particular I don’t see the point in continuing friendships with people who consider me, or groups of people of which I’m a member, as less than fully human and deserving of our full rights as members of society. And that’s how I see many anti-LGBTQ conservatives these days.
It’s sad that people go in that direction but I don’t think it’s at all wrong to terminate a friendship over it.
You are so awesome! I check your blog once a week for new posts. I’ve admitted to myself I’m trans since the last time I commented here. But even so I’d have never had the courage to be where I am, doing what I am doing without you! One of the things I love the most about you, is the range of facial expression you use in your photos. They range from touching, to hilarious, to serious, and back. I love it! Anyways I hope you are doing well and I wish you, and your wife, and your upcoming child, nothing but the best! Love yas, and I can commiserate with the struggle against friends of dubious ideals.
*hug* Thanks!
Don’t sell yourself short on the courage front :) I’m sure you would’ve found the courage to be you, no matter what!
Hi i really like you comments. It’s kinda like your in my head speaking for me!!
haha thanks! Just so you know, I’m definitely not in your head though :D
I Here You Liz Summer I Am so Sorry Once a true College Can”t Accept You as Your True Self I Hope Your Child Will Understand as he Gets Older And Not be Ashame That Daddy Dress Difference. Petra Know From Personal Experience my Biological Dad Was a Transvestite Now I am a Cross dresser And Loving it I Will Support You in You Great Life. Love Petra.
H,i Liz Summer Petra to Compliment You in Your OUTFIT,S You Wore in Your Photos YOU HAVE GREAT TASTE. Petra..
I’ve been looking at your photos and reading some of your posts. Stick with the brown wig… Lol. You’re very pretty dressed, and I think you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.
I am a pastor of a large Protestant Christian Church in the middle of corn country. I am very sincere and devout in my faith that Christ has saved me from the pits of hell. And, I teach, preach, and confess my faith…. Daily.
I’ve been in the closet for nearly 60 years in my crossdressing. (Whew! That’s a lot to confess to someone I’ve never met). It started with my mom dressing me as another of her little girls, and I guess it just stuck. Lol. I have been in therapy like 4 years, this time, but I am settling on just who I am – as one created by God. No, I cannot out myself in the church, I’d be thrown out. My second wife of now over 20 years knows I do occasionally but would rather not talk about it. She even knows I borrow some dresses or blouses, and she knows I have my own underwear (which I wear every day!!! I could go on and on about my abusive parents growing up, but I forgave them long before I had to bury them, and so we had a wonderful relationship until they passed away.
Yes…. I’m a chicken about coming out. I read with great interest your posting called “In the depths….”. Everything you said in that post s great. I liked it. Except about what those stuffy stuck up overly pious idiots calling themselves pastors and what they have said in your hearing about folks like us. The Gospel of Jesus is meant for everyone. Jesus died on the cross for all mankind, so the Bible says. I know the Bible is true, I’ve seen too much proof to doubt. I’ve been to the Holy Land twice, and thinking of going again. God’s Word has come alive in me, as I wish it would in everyone. But…..
Boy did God create a beautiful person in you! No, we’d probably not get along so much, as for some reason me and computers seldom get along… Lol. But dressed up to the nines, maybe we’d party. Maybe the day will yet come where I could wear a skirt out to the mall shopping, or show off some cleavage in the prettiest of bras in public. I honestly don’t think I’m living two lives, I really don’t. It’s taken me a long time to embrace who I am, and for the time being, I will cheer you on from the sidelines. Others in my family have known about me (longer than I ever thought they did!), But maybe one day I will let the world know, just like you have so bravely done.