Crossdresser Pics

Below are a number of posts where you can find crossdresser pics of me :) I try pretty hard to ensure that they’re high quality, and hopefully you’re able to see how much better I’ve gotten over the years! All of the pictures listed from this page are completely safe for work :)

If you’re looking for crossdressing pictures of a more risqué nature, you can go to this page: *Slightly* NSFW Pics :)

And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!

It’s a strange world that we live in. Now that generative AI is so commonplace, it’s reasonable to start distrusting everything that you see and read. The ability to make images of whatever you want is… well, it’s pretty cool honestly. When I do photoshoots, which I try and do at least once a year, it’s typical to spend some thousand or so dollars on a flight, hotel room, food, new clothes, camera stuff, etc etc. And what do I get out of it? A bunch of pictures of me (and a mini vacation!). But in this new terrifying age, […]

AI Image Generation

Here’s all the images that I ended up liking (and some that I didn’t), as well as the prompts and other settings I used to get the images – good luck y’all <3 Prompt: gtmg woman, watercolor illustration of a woman on a surfboard, detailed waves, intricate details, glasses, lipstick+, 8k, highly detailed Negative Prompt: yellow face, stubble, ugly, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, signature, cut off, old woman, elderly woman, wrinkles base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base Steps: 52 Guidance: 9 Prompt: gtmg […]

Dreambox / Stable Diffusion prompts

Well, we’re back in Las Vegas. “But Liz, didn’t you do this just a few short months ago?!” I hear you screeching. Yes. Yes I did. And it wasn’t the best trip – mostly due to the fact that I lost a whole day to what one may describe as “a vomity migraine”, though honestly, that wasn’t the only thing. On that trip in particular, I only really got out of the room dressed a couple of times – once for dinner, and once for lunch. I had grander plans, but I either chickened out (just a little bit) or […]

Las Vegas 2023, again?!

I had a lot of high hopes for this trip. The last trip I went on ended abruptly after I got COVID before I could even dress up – that was ten months ago. I realised in the run-up to my Las Vegas trip in May that I hadn’t actually dressed up since then. A whole ten months. Life tends to get in the way, I suppose. Between getting through six months of constantly being sick from kid-germs, to general life/work stress and scheduling woes, finding the right combination of time/opportunity/energy/willpower to actually get my shit together seemed like such […]

Las Vegas 2023

A friend of mine was getting married in Rhode Island, and so our little friend group all flew/drove in from across the country to hang out! I had arrived on Monday, with plans to hang out with everyone all of that week. The wedding was on Saturday, which would give us a day of recovery on Sunday, and then I’d fly back home on Monday. I had picked out a pretty cool outfit for the wedding – a sundress, cardigan if it got cold, hat, shoes. I was ready. I landed on Monday, and we hung out on the beach […]

A Rhode Island Tragedy

This is going to be one of those posts where I suddenly realise that as I get older, I’m becoming more and more of a curmudgeon. So, before we begin in earnest, let’s see if we have the appropriate set of accoutrements… Kids on lawn: check. Nearby cloud to yell at: check. Boots I used to wear to go to school, which was uphill, both ways, in the snow: check. Actually scratch that last one, we couldn’t afford boots. All over reddit, and all over instagram, I see a bunch of people posting selfies where the image has been automatically […]

Girl Filters

Las Vegas is only a short flight from San Francisco, and one thing that Vegas has in large supply is cheap hotel rooms. More specifically, cheap hotel rooms that are spacious. And spacious hotel rooms are a lot better for taking photos in because there’s usually more interesting backgrounds to actually take photos with, and there’s also a lot more space to move a camera around in. So far I’ve done a shoot in The Cosmopolitan and a very short shoot in The Linq after flying to vegas while dressed. This time around, we’re hitting up The Flamingo! The thing […]

Vegas: The Flamingo

The last time I was in Las Vegas, it was primarily for a half-marathon, but with a focus on dressing up and hanging with my friends. This time round, I was primarily there for a photoshoot. It went ok. Actually, depending on how you look at it, it went pretty awful. It got up to 43C/110F, which are temperatures I cannot abide. I tend to thrive around 21C/70F, and subsequently melt into a heap at 30C/86F. I had a pretty bad cough/cold, and spent a large portion of my time being doped up on almost-certainly too-much-dayquil and figuring out where […]

Colours of Las Vegas