When I was younger, I was pretty convinced that I would never find someone to be with, because I thought I was hideous and broken. As it turns out, I did, and I’m not! I suppose I haven’t written very much about what it’s like to be a married crossdresser, other than how awesome it is to have a super-supportive wife, but one thing that I think doesn’t necessarily get heard much of is how the partner of crossdressers think of it, how they deal with it, and what their hopes and fears are. A little while ago, I asked […]

The Crossdresser’s Wife: A spouse’s perspective

So a few days ago, I put up a link on the site where I asked you about what you thought of the site, what you’d like to see more of, what you’d like to see less of, and your general thoughts, and even after only just a few days, it’s been super helpful, so thank you! I’m going to leave the survey up for a whole lot longer though, just to see what even more of you say. (If you don’t see the bar for some reason, you can fill out the survey here – I will be greatly […]

Some updates, and a call for help

This might seem controversial and counter-intuitive, but I truly believe that for lots of reasons, passing isn’t important. Bear with me. What do we want as crossdressers? I wonder sometimes, how deeply we examine this. Take a moment to consider what you want, or even why you crossdress. Really stop and think about it. Do you want to be a woman? Do you want to look like a woman? Is it just about the clothes, or is it something more? Is it purely sexual? Is it not sexual at all, but something more elusive? Is it wrapped up in your […]

Why I don’t think passing is important

On Boxing day (December 26th for all my non-commonwealth readers), BBC one showed “The Boy In The Dress”, a story about, according to wikipedia: a twelve-year-old boy who enjoys cross-dressing, and the reactions of his family and friends. Having watched the trailer, obviously I was curious, so I went about getting my hands on it and taking a look. Spoilers below, you have been warned!

The Boy In The Dress