crossdresser pics

A lot of stuff has happened over the last few months. I’ve been out a few times with friends. Completely dressed up in flapper garb at a company party. And generally just being more open and honest about everything. Feels good :) One thing I’ve learned today, however: sunlight does not do wonders for my face. Frickin’ stubble! No getting around it for now though.

Newest pics

I’ve been a bit on the snowed-under side of things for what seems like months now. A few weeks ago, I bought some new clothes, and hadn’t really had a chance to actually try them out. In between working on side-projects, and being summoned to squash bugs on sunday mornings, I finally managed to get a chance to get dressed up and take some pics.   It was a bit too dark for the webcam after a while

While you were watching the Superbowl, I was attempting makeup.

  As usual, you take thirty or forty photos, pick the one or two good (or at least, not-terrible) ones, and then discard the rest. This one’s not too bad – one day I’ll have to deal with my freshly-shaved face differently, on account of my stupidly dark stubble. Maybe better foundation/concealer. Or something else. Would love to hear some tips! Somewhat full-length. But sitting. Couldn’t get a good standing pic :( I desperately love these boots! I’ve got a bit of a stupid-face going on. Then again, you didn’t see the other ones :S Some days are good and […]

New pics!