
Being a crossdresser’s pretty tough – there’s this thing that you want to do, but it’s (annoyingly, and stupidly) frowned upon by most people (or at least, the internal paranoiac seems to think so). It’s also hugely visible – it’s difficult to not stand out of the crowd when you’re 6’3 in clicky heels. And yet, that urge to wear what you want and not be shunned or shamed is pretty strong. So what do you do? There are a few ways that I’ve battled with it out and about – and one thing I’ve found that somewhat sates the […]

How To Crossdress (Sneakily)

I find that I get horribly depressed about my crossdressing habits every so often. Inevitably I wish that I hadn’t been cursed with such a strange desire/burden. “Why do I need to do this? How did I get this way? Why can’t I be the same as everyone else?” Some part of it is this in-built shame/guilt about it that I carry around, as if what I’m doing is wrong (nope), deviant (not really), or sinful (ATHEIST).Another part of it is really just how I imagine a lot of women feel about themselves: not up to scratch. I’m a good […]

Ah, the face of the Miserable Crossdresser.

Personally: No. I am male, in both body and mind. This is an important point. The parts that we are born with are not the 100% guarantees of gender that some people feel that they are. Gender is something that we carry around with us in our minds – it is who we are, as opposed to what happens to be in our underwear. It’s also worth nothing that you aren’t necessarily EITHER male OR female. Think of gender like the colors black and white – you can be a very dark grey, or a very brilliant white, or equally, […]

Ask a Crossdresser: Will you transition?

Short answer: No. Although some crossdressers might be gay, the majority aren’t. It’s an important question. Initially my thoughts on this were “It shouldn’t matter! There’s nothing wrong with being gay!”. While I agree wholeheartedly with the latter, the former is clearly incorrect: it *does* matter a great deal in some cases. If you see a crossdresser in the street and you immediately associate them with being gay, you’re guilty of making false assumptions, but that’s of no real consequence. If you find out after 20 years of marriage that your husband is a crossdresser, and your mind jumps to […]

Ask a Crossdresser: Does it mean you’re gay?

Well hello there. I am a crossdresser. Now, now – don’t all start throwing rocks at me immediately. I’m not an enormous freak, nor am I a deviant out to get you, or trick you, or hurt you. I’m really just someone who happens to like wearing female clothes. “Yes, but you are a man!” I hear you cry. “You are a freak! An abomination!” I’m not really sure about that. Since 51% of the world are female, that sort of puts me in the majority of people who enjoy wearing female clothes, dontchathink? “But you are a MAN! You […]

Have to start somewhere