
I generally hesitate to make a blog post like the one I’m about to write, because I like the idea of having these posts be much more focused on crossdressing and less about just the general things that are going on with me. That said, I feel pretty awful about my lack of posts for the last 6 months. My bad. Though in my defence, in those six months I’ve felt mostly like this:

Change: Everyone’s favourite agent of destruction

One of the first questions we ask ourselves once we realise that we’re crossdressers/transvestites is “Why am I like this? Why am I a crossdresser?” Usually it’s not from a place of genuine curiosity, but a place of shame, or of misplaced guilt, or of anguish, because we’re suddenly assaulted by this reality of being different from everyone else – not by choice, but by circumstance, as if Fate has dealt us a shitty hand that we have no choice but to play. Well, ok. That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is as […]

Crossdressing: Nature or Nurture?

Living in a different country than my parents means that on occasion I get to travel back to the motherland that is the UK and hang out with them for a bit (along with not paying for a hotel, which is quite nice). We’re a bit boring – we tend to just sit around watching TV, but then again, that’s what we always did when I lived there; sometimes I think it’s a miracle that my eyes aren’t actually rectangular. I’ve mentioned before that I’m very open about my crossdressing. My parents know about it – I don’t think they […]

Is Crossdressing Funny?

For lots of reasons, I hadn’t crossdressed at work since February, which ended up being about 3 months. I suppose that’s not the longest time I haven’t dressed, but for some reason it felt like an eternity. I’ve been crossdressing at work on and off for a couple of years now, but this was probably the longest window in which I hadn’t. I’d been planning to dress for a while, but for whatever reason, the previous weeks didn’t work out. Yesterday, however… it was time. Ah, public transport, how I loathe thee. And yet, I need thee… so keep working, […]

Back to work

Someone at work recently posted a link to an article about the difficulties women face in choosing what to wear for work/interviews (great article, well worth a read – On the days where I present as male at work, so little thought goes into my appearance – I just grab a t-shirt and a hoodie, check to make sure my jeans are still wearable (SNIFF TEST), and then head into work. However, on the days where I present as female, every little thing becomes an enormous battle – I have to (fairly exhaustively) mentally prepare the night before, judging […]

Dressing for work (or yet another reason why it must ...