M’ok. I’ve been gearing up for this one for a while, and it went *pretty well* (apart from the fact that I wasn’t feeling great, had a huge headache, ordered sushi, threw up sushi, and then cut short the shoot :|) and I got some good pics out of it!
I haven’t dressed up at all since this incident (although not because of it – mostly because I’ve been BUSY, and then kind of sick for a while. Damn immune system). However, we had a work event just yesterday, and it seemed like a good day for it. It turned out it really wasn’t :S It was hot and humid and I was sweating like a fat, moist, girthy pig. That said, someone did manage a good pic of me somehow :D So, I’m calling it a victory :D EDIT: BONUS PIC
As I sometimes do, I dress up to work. It’s not a big deal. This day didn’t start off any different than most others. I set my alarm half an hour earlier than usual to make sure I had enough time to get ready. The night before I’d pre-trimmed body hair down so that shaving in the morning would be quicker. I was opting for a jeans + tunic look, and was going to experiment with a lighter make-up look (and let me tell you, those few minutes saved by not having to shave my legs or do my eye-liner VERY […]
It’s odd. The last time I dressed was about two months ago. After that, I just… didn’t. It was weird. I always thought that if the need/desire to dress ever disappeared, it would be great! In reality though, it was much more “Huh. That’s weird. I wonder when it’s going to come back.” What was more peculiar though was the fact that while it was gone, I was kind of worried about it. I don’t really know how to explain it. Anyway. I’M BACK! I could feel the need for it building up over the last week, and today I […]
I had some time, while on a recruiting trip, to make good use of a somewhat-decent hotel room :) I ended up taking a *lot* of pics, and as it turns out, I ended up liking quite a lot of them, so it seemed like it made sense to break these up into two parts. The first set is mostly fairly tame, while the second set gets the tiniest bit more risque :) Anyway, here goes!
The continuation of My Second Photoshoot! Be warned – there’s some vaguely risque pics down there – lingerie/stockings/panties, but nothing overtly racy :)
Maybe if you’ve been paying attention you’ve noticed that I’m out to everyone publicly, and have been dressed to work events on a few separate occasions. What might not be abundantly clear, mostly because I haven’t really spoken about it a great deal, is that I’ve actually been going in to work dressed fairly regularly for the better part of a year now. I’ll let that sink in a bit. I have been dressing up… at work… fairly regularly.