
I remember reading an article a while ago about how coming out doesn’t just happen once, but that it’s a continuous process of self-revelation each and every time you meet new people. I guess it must have struck a chord with me, because I found my self thinking about it recently as some circumstances at work are changing, and I feel like I’m coming out as a crossdresser to people again.

Coming out as a crossdresser – over and over again.

Maybe if you’ve been paying attention you’ve noticed that I’m out to everyone publicly, and have been dressed to work events on a few separate occasions. What might not be abundantly clear, mostly because I haven’t really spoken about it a great deal, is that I’ve actually been going in to work dressed fairly regularly for the better part of a year now. I’ll let that sink in a bit. I have been dressing up… at work… fairly regularly.

Being out, and dressing, at work.